Not yet written in stone

Alas alack my laptop appears to be slowly giving up the ghost whilst trying to back up files and things to other areas in case of the worst I came across this gem. I wrote it back in at least 2009 I do believe I hope it’s enjoyed as I’ve never published it before:

Nascita do Venere
Physical and Intellectual love, the two feed each other and while it is wholly possible for one to exist without the other – it never quite completes our existence unless both come together.
Plato was certainly a scholar of this thought and had a Goddess who at once represented the ‘human’ physical love and the ‘godly’ intellectual love. She was Venus.
In Dante’s mind human physical love – sanctified – led to Paradiso, whereas, human physical love – unsanctified – led to the endless torture in the Inferno.
Since humans became cognitive beings this war between the two has raged alongside politics and religion unabated.
But what is so bad about getting more thrills with one than the other?
This is where the genius Botticelli comes in. He painted Venus riding in on a clam shell – as Plato considered Venus the representation of both types I just have to say: Trust physical and intellectual loving salvation to be heralded by a ginger!

Like a magpie

I have an affinity for shiny things (to an extent doesn’t everyone?) So when I got this gorgeous envelope – featured picture – in the post today when I got home from work I was almost loathe to open it.

But I’m glad I did, writing letters gives you a connection that you don’t get from email or texts alone. In this envelope from my Italian friend sealed with a wax seal (see below) was all her news not least including that she is expecting her first child! Suppose I had better book a flight soon to meet him or her.

I will pen a reply most likely tomorrow as I’ve spent my evening making vegetable pasties for lunches. Exciting I know. If only I wasn’t crawling towards payday with a dire lack of stamps I would shove a reply in the post tomorrow.

Update: She fashioned the make shift envelope from the back of a notepad she bought in Florence a few years ago. This make have to be turned into a bookmark! As most readers know anything does for a bookmark so I’ve been using a earl grey tea packet as mine for a while.

A bit more about myself

I’ll expand a bit from my bio just on the off chance there is an interest to do so.

I’m going to be turning thirty this year, lived in London for seven years before moving back to the countryside last year. It’s nice to be closer to family, they are important to me but of course I miss London and the life I made there.

The life I am making here is shaping up, I’m in a lovely small apartment overlooking a quaint cobble high street and working in planning and finance.

I love to write letters, read books, hike, cross stitch, sew, cook, game, hone my archery and research history, especially WW2 history. The fashions, rations and sacrifices during that period hold a great deal of fascination for me.